For clubs

Gymnastics SA is here to help at every step, to support you to start and develop your KinderGym.

Already an affiliated KinderGym?
Log into the club portal

Want to start a KinderGym?
Find out how you can start a club today

Want to start a KinderGym?

No KinderGyms in your local area? Start your own KinderGym Club!

Echidna rolling

Join the KinderGym family

Be part of one of Australia’s most successful developmental movement programs for children.

A mother holding her baby and smiling at a KinderGym
Sun illustration
Cloud illustrations
A boy climbing a ladder with an instructor next to him doing activities at a KinderGym
Pink circle bubble

I love it as a KinderGym Leader that children are developing lifelong skills, physically and emotionally.

KinderGym Leader

What you get as a Gymnastics SA affiliated KinderGym

Club affiliation is the process of becoming a member club of Gymnastics South Australia and Gymnastics Australia. It provides your members with confidence that your organisation meets National Standards and has policies and procedures in place to reflect good governance standards such as insurance, child protection, inclusive practices, and health, safety & risk management.

Access to the National Risk Protection Program

Including Public Liability Insurance, Management liability for clubs, Professional Indemnity Insurance for coaches and officials and Personal Accident cover for members & voluntary workers.

Governance & Child Safety

Support with club policy development and development of child protection/member protection policies and procedures.

Marketing support

Connection to state and national advertising campaigns, signage, and promotion of your club through the KinderGym SA website and ‘club finder’ tool.

Tool & Resources

Term and lesson plans to get you started, inclusion resources, and access to the national OneMusicAustralia licence.

Workforce Development

Nationally accredited KinderGym Leader courses, state conferences, Club Development and Education Workshops, as well as KinderGym Leader t-shirts & name badges.

Participant packs

Your members will receive a free KinderGym t-shirt and passport to recognise and celebrate their development.

Koala on a tree

Learn more about leader education

Emu running

Steps to start a KinderGym

Don’t feel daunted by the overall project! Just follow these six steps, one at a time.

Gymnastics SA is here to help you at every step. We can provide you with all the support you need to assist you with starting your KinderGym.

And Gymnastics SA can assist in advertising your group, setting a program and sourcing resources.

Step 1

Contact Gymnastics SA to receive advice and a New KinderGym Information Pack.

Step 2

Register with Gymnastics SA to receive specialised and continued support in getting your KinderGym started.

Step 3

Enrol in KinderGym Leader training and allocate roles and duties to spread the workload

Step 4

Work out a budget, begin to gather resources and equipment.

Step 5

Promote your KinderGym and encourage families to join. Affiliating with Gymnastics SA also ensures new families will be referred to your group.

Step 6

Set a date and run your first KinderGym session!

Possum hanging from a brand

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help! If you don’t see the answer to your question here, drop us a line on our contact page.

No, you don’t need to be part of a Gymnastics Club to run a KinderGym program. While many Gymnastics Clubs also run a KinderGym program, there are also many stand-alone KinderGyms, catering specifically for 0-5yrs.

KinderGyms can be run in a Gymnastics Club, or other community spaces such as council venues and church halls. 

When looking for a venue, keep in mind:

  • The size of the space where the equipment will be set up
  • An area where parents enter and put their belongings
  • Adequate room for an administration table
  • Storage space for equipment, with easy access
  • Child safety in and around the venue
  • Car parking

Not at all. The range of equipment that can be adapted for a KinderGym program is endless and can be classified under 5 main groups:

  1. Specially Designed Equipment (preschool)
  2. Gymnastics equipment
  3. Hand Apparatus
  4. Improvised Equipment
  5. Homemade equipment

Safety will always need to be considered before purchasing equipment. Gymnastics SA can assist you with resourcing equipment from various approved websites.

There are two ways to employ an accredited KinderGym Leader for your club.

  1. Advertise through Gymnastics SA and/or online (such as for an accredited KinderGym Leader or,
  2. If you or someone you know is passionate about childhood development, Gymnastics SA will provide training and support in their accreditation and in-house supervision for classes to commence.

A Term plan is available to Accredited KinderGym Leaders through their technical membership with Gymnastics Australia. During the KinderGym Leader training/accreditation, Leaders are supported through the process of planning Term and weekly/fortnightly lesson plans and ideas of themes.

Gymnastics South Australia are in the process of creating four terms of lesson plans to provide further resources and assistance to Clubs and Leaders.

Gymnastics Australia has further Term plans with activity cards available for purchase.